‘Divided States’ documentary focuses on racism and deadly MAX stabbing in Portland

March 4, 2018 By

A multi-part series that takes a look at racism and hate crimes around the country will focus on Portland and the deadly incident on the MAX train that killed three people and injured another.

Sachs hopes it shows Portlanders what people in the city experience each day. He said every person must take an active role in combating racism.

“We all have to admit that (racism) exists. We can’t deny it anymore. We can’t go around and drink coffee and sit in our coffee shops and think Portlands so liberal and progressive. We have people who are not living that same experience. They are living a completely different experience and for them that experience is terrifying,” he said.

Read more here: https://katu.com/news/local/divided-states-documentary-focuses-on-racism-and-deadly-max-stabbing-in-portland
