Glen Banfield and Eric Zimmerman.
SDDA – Unit C and Gang Unit.
Safe Place, Safe Space

Welcome to The No Hate Zone. We are asking businesses, schools, places of worship and others to place these decals in your windows to show your pledge to create and maintain a: “Safe Place, Safe Space” for everyone free from hate, racism, bias and discrimination.
By placing this decal in your window, you are sending a message to your customers, community and employees that you are committed to providing a “Safe Place, Safe Space” for all to use.
Your business name will be listed in “The No Hate Zone” website.
The decal will also lead people to “The No Hate Zone” website to engage community members to be a part of making our community a place free of hate and racism. If you are interested in supporting the Safe Space Concept and would like to participate, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thanks! Sam Sachs

Multnomah County District Attorneys North Precinct
Noho’s Restaurant Clinton and Fremont Portland
Muslim Educational Trust Portland
Stu and Holly Rosenblum Home
City of Portland Office of Youth Violence Prevention